Our house-sitters

We love our place

But we cannot help leaving periodically

Thankfully we have always been able to find great house-sitters.

Our last house-sitter was a young woman 

Who wanted to get away from the city

Our house was what she wanted

In the woods, wood stove,

Unobstructed view . . . 

She arranged everything as she wanted

Took photos of how we had it

So she could recreate our clutter when she left.

Before her we had two men from Taos

Who were trying to buy a house in Taos

They loved our place so much 

They got married there 

Their dogs liked our cats

Albeit the like was not mutual

But they loved to garden

We told them they could stay on

When we returned

But by that time their realtor had found a house for them

In Taos.

Before them we had two women who tiptoed everywhere

We thought this was strange

But our cats loved them

I think they thought they were part cat

They asked if we ever saw a Yeti

A question which seemed compatible with the tiptoeing somehow

They worked out fine

But did not trust our water (oh well).

Then we had a photographer whose wife was ill

Who left little colored glass offerings everywhere he prayed.

Then we had a man from Seattle

An artist

Who said he never felt so safe as he did at our place

Because the earth wasn’t moving

Apparently in Seattle there was a robotic drill

That was boring a thruway under the city

And it was taking years

Trying to penetrate an obstruction under his neighborhood

His art work was post-apocalyptic as you might have guessed.

Before him there was a man with a dog

That herded the neighbors cows

Before we left we asked the farmer if he minded

He asked if the dog barked

The answer was no

He just shrugged

So that worked out.

There were some others

But these are the ones I recall.

2 thoughts on “Our house-sitters

  1. Vanessa Bright

    I don’t know why, but reading this left such a sunny, warm feeling in me like I’d been lounging on an armchair by the window all afternoon with a great book and a cup of delicious tea.

    1. garylindorff Post author

      I like to think of our home as a sanctuary.I think it really is that, not just the house. The house is fine, but the place was a sanctuary before Shirley had the house built.


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